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Did you know that every time you wash your hair, you’re tackling thousands of microbes and irritants that live on your scalp? It’s true – here’s what really happens when you use shampoo.

Your hair and scalp are like a sponge – everything you come into contact with sticks to them.

We’re talking pollutants, dirt and dust, all sticking to the natural oils that exist on your scalp.

So you need to keep it clean.

Oil and grease build up on the scalp …
Your body’s always producing oil – it’s a natural process that helps keep everything moisturised.

And if you don’t wash it away, it keeps on building.

For dandruff sufferers, that’s a problem, as those oils can aggravate the condition as tiny scalp microbes break them down into substances, which can irritate your scalp.

… and trap more dirt and grease
The oils on your hair and scalp are what bind all the dirt and dust.

So as you let it build up, it’s joined by more dirt, dust and pollution – all things that can potentially irritate and damage the scalp, not to mention make your hair look dull and greasy.

Shampoo works on oil and dandruff
Wash your hair regularly with an anti-dandruff shampoo and you’ll get rid of visible flakes as well as any excess oil that’s been building up.

The shampoo will bind to the oils to take them away, along with all the dust, dirt and grime.

And because it’s taking away the irritants that could be causing damage, it gives the body time to repair.

So use anti-dandruff shampoo each time you wash your hair.

That way, you’ll be keeping your hair and scalp clean AND keeping your defenses against dandruff up.

How about “no-poo” regimens?
Some people do choose to shun shampoo entirely. It’s known as a “no poo” regimen and it’s something that could be potentially damaging.

Leaving your hair unwashed, or using water alone, for an extended period of time allows oils, sweat and dirt to build up.

As we know, these can all damage the scalp, causing a whole host of issues from weaker hair to dandruff and in some cases, even hair loss.

More about hair washing


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