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Itching is a common sign of dandruff. But when it’s accompanied by small bumps on the scalp, it could be a sign of other conditions. Here’s what to look out for.

If you’re suffering from dandruff, you are likely to experience itching – in fact it’s often an early warning sign before flakes start to appear.

The itching associated with dandruff is the result of an irritated scalp however and, as you scratch, there is a possibility that you can damage the scalp more and cause bumps to appear.

But there are a number of other conditions which can cause bumps, so it’s best to rule out dandruff by looking for the other symptoms too:

  • white flakes on your scalp and in your hair

  • a dry, tight feeling on the scalp

You can also rule it out by using an anti-dandruff shampoo to see if it gets rid of the problem before considering if it could be something else.

Try our new Instant Relief Shampoo which is proven to be effective by tackling the root cause of the itch - dandruff.

If after a few weeks of regular use your symptoms haven’t improved then it could be something other than dandruff.

What if it’s not dandruff?

There are a whole host of conditions from folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis through to hives and lice, which could cause bumps on the scalp.

So if you’re sure it’s not dandruff it’s a good idea to visit your doctor or dermatologist to get a diagnosis and get the symptoms under control.

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